Starter Projects #
eleventy-base-blog How to build a blog web site with Eleventy.
eleventy-on-glitch A playground site for Eleventy on Glitch with live rendered views right on the web!
eleventyone is an Eleventy scaffold project created by the legendary Phil Hawksworth. Makes use of gulp with Eleventy and Sass.
eleventy-netlify-boilerplate A template for building a simple blog web site with Eleventy and deploying it to Netlify. Includes Netlify CMS and Netlify Forms.
eleventy-shortcomps Starter project for static site by Adam Duncan, using Eleventy and shortcode components pattern.
Skeleventy A skeleton boilerplate built with Eleventy and Tailwind CSS.
Seven An eleventy template based on bootstrap4layouts. Includes webpack, sass version of bootstrap, vue.js powered search and a whole lot more.
Source Code Samples #
This list shows all of the sample sites that have provided a link to their source code. A comprehensive list of all sample sites is available. Want to add your site to this list?